Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Voice of Experience


Army of the Insane


Of all my duties here at Delta-Man probably my least favorite is trolling the liberal websites and reading their crap.  I do this for two reasons:  first of all so you don't have to and second, to find out what these idiots are saying and attempt to respond to their arguments in a logical manner.  Now I realize that these arguments will never reach these deluded liberals since logic is a concept that's as foreign to them as responsibility.  Instead I attempt to respond to their arguments because that's how normal people engage in a meaningful debate, which after all is what King Hussein Obama the First says we're supposed to be doing.


I've found that the site http://www.huffingtonpost.com is fairly representative of the far left.  It features news and opinion, in a manner similar to the conservative site  http://www.drudgereport.com/ .  Over the last week I've noticed that while the drudgereport was filled with stories about the filmmakers disguised as a hooker and pimp who secretly taped ACORN workers advising them to break the law, the huffingtonpost was strangely silent.  The earliest headline I could find on the drudgereport was on September 10th entitled "ACORN fires 2 after hidden-camera footage aired."  http://www.drudgereportarchives.com/dsp/links_recap5.htm  Over the past five days, this story has exploded.  We've learned that these filmmakers caught ACORN employees in Washington, D.C., New York City, and Baltimore giving essentially the same advice.  And in a shocking twist, the Maryland State's Attorney is considering charging the two filmmakers with illegally taping the ACORN employees.  http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2009/09/12/maryland-may-prosecute-acorn-sting-video-makers  As of this writing, the first, and only article on the huffingtonpost is an AP article reporting the New York City incident from September 14th http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/09/14/acorn-employees-caught-on_n_286580.html  And as blogger electricflag noted in the comments to the story, it wasn't exactly on the front page:

Boy, they really buried this NATIONAL new story. I had to go through 2 secret rooms and a spiral staircase to find this one.

Ordinarily, liberal sites such as huffingtonpost can't wait to shoot their mouths off on the latest news.  But in this case they were strangely silent. .  http://www.ihatethemedia.com/fox-covers-acorn-hooker-scandal  In this case they were following the playbook of the mainstream media when a potentially embarrassing story like this one surfaces.  First they ignore the story and hope it goes away.  If the story has legs, they report the basic facts but offer no opinions.  Then, and only then, once they've had time to decide on the best mode of attack, they unleash a blizzard of opinions, analysis, and commentaries to explain away the embarrassing incident and/or charge evil Republicans with manufacturing the whole story because they are so mean.


Since the huffingtonpost readers didn't have a chance to comment on this ACORN story until yesterday, I thought it might be interesting to see what they had to say.  After all they'd been waiting for four days, watching Fox News and the drudgereport hammer their ideological brothers at ACORN. Liberals are the master of making up excuses so I thought it would funny to read some of their more creative efforts.  I was not disappointed.


Huffingtonpost blogger Eris23 represents the views of many, claiming ACORN is being tarred by the actions of a few rogue employees:

On the other, you have a demonization piece where, at best, unethical behavior by a small handful of employees is being manipulated to try and show an entire organization is corrupt. It's foolish all around.

Blogger RichPort puts his own clever spin on this argument by noting that only employees at three locations were busted:

You're right, and it's precisely this scientific sampling of ACORN's anti-American actions that make me hurl stones at every Catholic priest I see, you know, because they're obviously all molesters...

Other bloggers used the classic rationalization of pointing out that their opponents have also engaged in similar slimy behavior.  In other words, who are you to criticize us?  Blogger BK 1717 reminds us of recent Republican villains:

Randy "Duke" Cunningham
Bob Ney
Rick Renzi
Ted Stevens
Tom Delay
Mark Foley
Larry Craig
David Vitter

Do those names ring any bells?


Responding to a conservative comment that former President Bush would have also been attacked if a group he had close ties to was engaged in such behavior, blogger Blue Floyd takes it up a notch:


he was......and there was an outcry.......you don't have to imagine.

in fact, his associations resulted in actual deaths of people.


Another variation of this argument was offered by blogger Granted BKNY.  His claim was that if only the liberals, who control the film industry and the news media, and are universally regarded as smarter than conservatives, had come up with this idea, they would uncover all sorts of Republican sins.


I would love an undercover video between Rush or Glenn and their accountants. I bet they are getting far better ideas on how to hide assets.


To be fair, some liberal bloggers condemned the actions of the ACORN employees which is what you would expect any decent person to do.  If you take the time to watch the videotapes or read the transcripts at http://biggovernment.com/ you'll be shocked at the brazen misconduct.  The filmmakers posed as an 18 year old hooker and her new pimp.  They represent that they have been trying to get a mortgage for a house to use as a den of iniquity.  To further complicate matters, the new pimp does not want to be directly involved in the mortgage because he has future political aspirations and the hooker wants to bring in underage girls from Central America to work for her at the house.


None of this bothers the ACORN employees.  They navigate all these landmines, obvious to the admitted intention to commit serious criminal activity at this house, and suggest fraudulent ways of obtaining a mortgage.  One of the New York employees even gave advice on how to hide money in the backyard so nobody could find it.  (In case you're interested, don't bury the money under the dog house as they do in the movies.  ACORN's advice is to mark the spot with a plant.  See pages 23-24 of the transcript).  As this story has developed my one thought has been, "Where does ACORN find these people?"  After reading the comments on huffingtonpost, I think I know where.


Budding lawyer chrisso114, who obviously didn't read the full transcripts, claims that the ACORN employees didn't do anything wrong because it's not a crime to say you're a hooker.

so, I kep reading about "underage" hookers but only the lead scammer mentions it during the intro and it is not in the clip--it is not apparent these employees know anything other than this one scammer woman claims to be a prostitute and supposedly will have other prostitutes working in the house

where does the "underage" part come in?

seems they are only saying you really cannot fo into a bank and claim prostitution as a profession and get a loan (being factual)

and they question (not knowing) whether prostitution is legal--regardless, it seems they are trying to help the scammer hooker pretendee knowing that to turn her in would not make a difference as there is no crime in claiming to be a prostitute

you need to solicit someone


Brilliant huh?  I hope King Hussein Obama the First doesn't find about this guy.  He'll be his next Supreme Court appointment.


Blogger Eris23 jumps back in to the comments with the claim that the actions of the ACORN employees weren't illegal, albeit without the subtle legal analysis given above.


Newsflash. It's not illegal to get a pimp or a prostitute housing. It is only a crime to be involved in the furtherance of their criminal enterprise.


Blogger Eris23 is also known as the "slow1". 


Blogger Yardley, probably a 9-11 truther, claims it's all, big shock here, a conspiracy.

This is very bad. First, I believe the Acorn workers were bought off prior to the making of the video. The payment had to be enough so they wouldn't have to worry about being fired. The way they played along with this obvious, sick halloween prank was just too well rehearsed to play to an intelligent viewer. I mean, really, you are an adult employed by a social service ageny, and two bozos dressed in lime green halloween costumes start asking you to find a child exploitation sex ring and you calmly play along with it? Bullshit. Fortunately, if felony charges do come of this, the "workers" may confess to having been paid and Faux news may find itself paying for this idiotic stunt big time.


Blogger RichPort jumps back in with a claim being made by ACORN, that the tapes have been doctored.


These tapes are as edited as P@lin's college transcript(s).


Nice touch with the Palin insult.  Maybe he'll get an award for this comment like Tina Fey.


Blogger PostModernPatriot argues, in a manner reminiscent of our own The Righteous Lib, that nobody really cares about these hookers except for maybe…the ACORN employees!

Do a Google search for "Sarah Kruzan" and then come back & tell me how much our govt & our society REALLY cares about victims of so-called human trafficking. Spare me the faux outrage over this ACORN employee trying to help a supposed prostitute instead of calling the police. None of your ilk truly cares about help for the "prostitute" - except maybe these ACORN ladies at the end of the video (a little bit). This is really about trying to disenfrachise the voters who ACORN is so good at registering & encouraging to vote.

This video isn't even about "child" sex trafficking...they just tried to sneak in a reference to "young" at the end so they could smear to the nth degree.


Sarah Kruzan was a underage prostitute and victim of child abuse who was given a life sentence for killing her abusive pimp when she was 16 years old.  Efforts to free Kruzan, now 28, are yet another liberal cause that a sensitive, caring human being like PostModernPatriot would take up.


Blogger assy also feels the hooker's pain.

If I were advising poor people with limited life options, I'd advise them to lie too. While it may not be admirable, I would've done the same thing the ACORN counselor did.


Blogger Brooklynbetty, who I'm sure looks nothing like the attractive picture accompanying her post, responds to assy and goes further.

I agree. Notably, no one has mentioned the part of this video where the counselor encourages the sex worker to start thinking for herself and to stop listening to her "pimp."


Classic liberal.  Notice the sly substitution of the work "sex worker" for the hooker.  She almost had all the letters typed in for the word "whore".  Why give yourself carpal tunnel symptom?


So if you're wondering where ACORN finds these idiots who shamelessly commit fraud and engage in criminal conspiracy, now you know.  They're people like chrisso114 and Brooklynbetty.  Idiots like the PostModernPatriot and Yardley,  Fools like Eris23, RichPort, and assy, who admitted that she would do exactly the same thing the ACORN employees did.  People who are so ideologically driven, so mentally challenged that they could justify anything.  These bloggers are but the vanguard of an army of the insane, people who would just be harmless clowns if it wasn't for groups like ACORN that give them the power to act on their stupid beliefs.  When His Majesty talks about his civilian army of brown shirts, these people will be filling the ranks.


And you might be wondering what our King has to say about all of this trouble at ACORN?  Remember, prior to His reign, His Majesty represented ACORN in the courts and has many friends actively involved in its operations today.  The King has issued decrees for ACORN to work on a variety of government projects, including the upcoming census of his peasants.  Surely His Majesty must have some thoughts that he wishes to read off his Tele-Prompt-Ter. 


As of this writing, His Majesty has been silent, letting his, soon to be former, friends to twist in the wind.  But I don't what to jump to any hasty conclusions.  He might not even be aware of the whole controversy.  Fired ABC news anchor Charles Gibson wasn't aware of this mess until today.  http://newsbusters.org/blogs/tom-blumer/2009/09/15/charles-gibson-totally-unaware-five-day-old-acorn-controversy-senate-vot  Maybe they have more important things on their minds, like how rude Kanye West was to take the microphone away from Taylor Swift at MTV's Video Music Awards.  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/09/14/obama-kanye-is-a-jackass_n_286623.html


Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Voice of Experience


He Started It


The Democrats are such hypocrites that sometimes I feel that all I do is write the same story over and over.  The typical story on this topic goes as follows:  Under President Bush the Democrats engage in behavior X.  Their liberal hack friends in the media praise behavior X.  Under King Hussein Obama the First, the Republicans engage in behavior X and the Democrats and their media stooges go crazy.  The latest example occurred when Republican Representative Joe Wilson from South Carolina shouted "You lie" as His Majesty was reading a speech off his Tele-Prompt-Ter in front of a joint session of Congress.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUC2rGj2VqE  In an earlier time, anyone who dared to so openly criticize the King would have lost his head but the Democrats were content with demanding that Wilson be censured and offer His Majesty an apology.


This interest in the decorum and civility in our legislature is a new one for the Democrats.  Many commentators have pointed out that Democrats heckled former President Bush during the 2005 State of the Union address.  http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/willheaven/100009397/congressman-joe-wilson-do-the-democrats-remember-how-they-booed-george-w-bush/  As you might suspect, at that time there were no calls in the mainstream media or from prominent Democrats for an apology.  After all, Bush was a liar and deserved to be booed.  Just ask Harry Reid.


Give the Republicans credit for being consistent.  The same Republicans who condemned the Democrats for their treatment of President Bush also demanded that Representative Wilson apologize, which he quickly did.  http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-joe-wilson-obama11-2009sep11,0,646206.story  And His Majesty graciously accepted Wilson's apology, reading the following off his Tele-Prompt-Ter:


I'm a big believer that we all make mistakes…I do think that, as I said last night, we have to get to the point where we can have a conversation about big, important issues that matter to the American people without vitriol, without name-calling, without the assumption of the worst of other people's motives


I guess His Majesty wasn't paying too much attention as he read his speech to the Congress because that's exactly what He did just before Wilson called him a liar.  Watch the You Tube clip again closely.  About 50 seconds into the clip His Majesty read the following:


Tonight I want to address some of the key controversies that are still out there.  Some of people's concerns have grown out of bogus claims spread by those only agenda is to kill reform at any cost.  The best example is the claim, made not just by radio and cable talk show hosts but by prominent politicians that we plan to set up panels of bureaucrats with the power to kill off senior citizens.  Now such a charge would be laughable if it weren't so cynical and irresponsible.  It is a lie, plain and simple.


My purpose today is not to argue the point that His Majesty's worthless plan contains death panels.  Instead I ask you, if it's wrong for Representative Wilson to call King Hussein Obama the First a liar then why is ok for His Majesty to call talk show hosts and prominent politicians liars?  And how can the King ascribe the worst motives to his critics and then turn around and say we shouldn't do that? 


And who are these prominent politicians?  His Majesty wasn't just referring to Sarah Palin, the author of a post that started the death panel controversy, when he said prominent politicians?  Maybe He was also referring to Senator Charles Grassley, who was pummeled by the liberals when he said people had a right to be concerned about such panels.  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/08/12/grassley-endorses-death-p_n_257677.html  Why is it ok for His Majesty to call a Senator a liar but it's an outrage for a member of Congress to call him a liar?


Of course the liberal hacks in the media had nothing but silence on their Messiah's vicious comments.  Instead, in disgust, they noted that only four Republican Senators stood and applauded Obama's statement about the death panels.  http://thinkprogress.org/2009/09/10/four-gop-senators-applaud/


For those of you with long memories, which rules out the liberals reading this post, remember that during the late campaign His Majesty promised us a new golden age, a civil politics where we could disagree without being disagreeable.  Instead of working towards this goal, King Hussein Obama the First thunders from his bully pulpit that the time for debate is over and that his opponents are cynical liars.  In a party filled with hypocrites, His Majesty is number one. 



Thursday, September 3, 2009

On the Lighter Side with Limis Ward


Generation O


On September 8th, King Hussein Obama the First addressed the nation's school age children in an unprecedented internet broadcast.  Before we provide the text of His Majesty's remarks, please review the following memo provided by His Majesty's minions to the nation's teachers so they could put his words of wisdom in proper context.


Menu of Classroom Activities

President Obama's Address to Students Across America



September 8, 2009


Before the Speech


·         Teachers can build background knowledge about the President of the United States and his speech by reading books about presidents and Barack Obama.  Teachers could motivate students by asking the following questions:

                        Why do some people insist on criticizing the smartest man ever to serve as President?

Have you noticed that only a white, racist, hate-mongers are protesting against his policies?

                        Did you know that the Ku Klux Klan was founded by the Republican Party?

Did you know that the Jim Crow laws of the Old South were enacted by white Republicans?

                        Did you know that not one single Republican voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964?


·         Teachers can ask students to imagine that they are delivering a speech to all of the students in the United States.

                        What is it like to be the most powerful man in the world?

Do you realize the President can crush you like a grape, dispose of your remains, and wipe out any evidence that you ever existed?

Can you read a speech as it's flying by on a Tele-Prompt-Ter?


·         Why is it important that we listen to the President and other elected Democrats, like the mayor, senators, members of congress, or the governor?  Do you understand that these people are solely concerned with your welfare?  Do you find yourself growing angry when you listen to prominent Republicans?  If not, why?


During the Speech


  • All students must stand at attention during the length of the President's remarks.  Upon rising, each student must form a clenched fist with their left hand and in one quick motion, pound their fist off their chest, and extended they arm so that the fist is slightly above the level of their head.  Once their arm is fully extended the students should extend their thumb and pinkie fully, forming the shaka, aka the "hang loose" sign, a common sign of friendship in the President's state of birth which incidentally is not Kenya as the right-wing lunatics would have you believe.


  • Pursuant to Executive Order 18957956 signed by the President last week, all state and local laws concerning corporal punishment are suspended during the President's address.  Students who talk, facially express disapproval, or otherwise disrupt the other students are to be beaten, whipped, and subdued by any means necessary to ensure that the students can focus solely on the President.


  • Students and teachers should not take notes during the President's speech.  Instead, immediately following the speech, an outline of the President's speech will be available on the internet site.  This outline, not you own personal perception of the President's speech, will be the basis of your understanding of the President's speech during the discussion period following the President's speech.


After the Speech


  • Teachers should praise the President's remarks and point out that the President is the only man who can improve their lot in life.


  • Re-emphasize that the President is the most powerful man on Earth.  Point out that the President's love for the students exceeds that of their parents.  Remind the students that the President is slow to anger and quick to forgive.


  • Drill the students repeatedly until they can recite the following without error:

            President Obama loves me and represents my best hope for a happy life.

I am unworthy of President Obama's munificence and recognize that his interest in my welfare is undeserved.

            President Obama is the smartest man in the country and those who oppose him are fools.

President Obama will provide for my basic needs as long as I am prepared to sacrifice my selfish desires for the greater good.


Extension of the Speech


  • Review the failed policies of the Bush administration.  Make sure the students understand that only a man as brilliant as President Obama could ever hope to pull this country back from the precipice that Bush abandoned us on.


  • Encourage the students to volunteer to make a difference in the community.  All faith-based groups should be discouraged.  Contract you union representative for a list of worthwhile groups, such as Code Pink, Organizing for America, Act Now for Healthcare, etc.


  • Write letters to the racists, the hate-mongers, the fear-mongers in the Congress, the Fox News network, and talk radio.  Ask them why they are so mean.  Tell them President Obama will even forgive them for all the lies and damage they have done if they would only get on board with his message of hope and change.


  • Have the students build a piñata of an angry white male.  Tell the students that angry white males have totally screwed up the world and we can only be saved through diversity.  Hang the piñata and let the students pound on it until it breaks.  As the students joyously gather up the candy, hang up a previous prepared (solely by the teacher) piñata of George Washington.  Point out to the students that Washington was not the great man history portrays but simply a racist slave owner who only cared about his own wealth.  Once this icon is destroyed by the students pull out another previously prepared piñata of an American soldier.  Let the students know of all the crimes committed by these supposed heroes.  Instruct the students to shout "Peace!" each time they hit the solider.  Once the solider is destroyed surprise the students with one last piñata of George W. Bush.  Make sure the piñata has a sinister looking face.  Devil horns and Hitler-style mustaches are permitted variations.  Re-enforce this piñata so it is difficult to break.  In this manner most of the students should have to chance to beat on the most evil man to ever steal the Presidency.


So now that we've been properly indoctrinated, um, prepared I mean, here are His Majesty's remarks:


Good evening.  Thank you for taking time out of your busy school day. 


A few short years ago I sat in a classroom much like yours.  To be honest though, my classroom was probably much nicer than yours since I attended an exclusive prep school in Honolulu but my point is that I understand what you're feeling during these formative years.  You're worried about your future.  You're worried about what you're going to do in life, how you're going to live, what kind of job you're going to get when you grow up.  I'm here today to assure you that under my leadership you'll never have to worry about these types of things again.


If you study hard, get a good job, and have the ability to take care of yourself, that's great.  But if you can't or won't do that my comprehensive program of government subsidies, transfer payments, and free services will ensure that your basic needs are taken care of.  When I see rich Americans callously rent a commercial airliner and jet off to exotic locations like my home state of Hawaii or blow tens of thousands of dollars to rent a beach house in places like Martha's Vineyard I get really mad.  Why can't you, the average American, do these things too?  Under my programs you can. 


In your history classes you've probably studied the lives of some of these rich Americans from the past like Carnegie, Rockefeller, and Morgan.  And your over-worked and under paid teacher might not have had the time to tell you how these men made their money in the first place.  I'm here to tell you today that these men, like the rich, white Americans of today, made their money by stealing it from the average man.  That's you and me.  If you think about it, when I tax these rich people and take their money away, all I'm really doing is taking the money they stole from you and giving it back to its rightful owner.  Hopefully someday there will be no such thing as rich and poor and all of my programs are designed to move us ever closer to that goal.


Of course along with their wealth comes power.  The power to stop people such as myself from doing what's right and thereby save their illicit wealth.  And some people, maybe even your parents, dazzled by their riches, unintentionally do their bidding by opposing my programs.  I can understand why they do this and I forgive them for they know not what they do.  These rich white men, such as the executives and stockholders in the health insurance industry, use their wealth to buy the support of the average man and make it appear as if the public doesn't approve of my plan.  I tell you now that these men are liars, deceivers of the average man.  They would slit your throat if they thought it would help them maintain their riches. 


To beat these people I need your help.  I need an army of young minds, properly educated in our schools to know what is right and what is wrong.  I need a new generation, bold enough to cast off the shackles of the white elite and stand for a new way, a path of hope and change for all Americans, not just those born into privilege. 


So how can you help?  First you can contribute by simply helping us to indentify the enemy.  If you hear someone denouncing me or my programs let us know, even if it's your parents.  Just send us an email and we'll take care of the rest.  With the vast power of the government and our extensive network of organized Americans there's nobody that we can't re-educate as long as we know who they are.  Second, you can help by being a good soldier, by joining us, through one of the many groups of organized supporters of what is good and right such as Organizing for America.  You won't even have to think about what to do.  They will tell what to do and you can rest assured that it is right.  Third, you can take a more active role.  Write a letter to your Congressmen.  Tell him you believe in me and my programs.  Boycott business that you know our owned by my enemies.  Call the right-wing talk show hosts, the hate-mongers.  Tell that stupid fat idiot Rush Limbaugh to get off my back.


It's ok if you laughed at that.  It's ok to call Rush Limbaugh fat.  It's ok to laugh at and call anybody fat.  Look at all the harm these fat people are doing.  Because of their lack of willpower, because they have the strength to hoist a chicken leg but not to push themselves away from the table, you and me pays billions of dollars for healthcare costs from obesity related diseases.  By identifying and ridiculing these fat slobs, we can change their behavior which is hurting the group.  And if you don't take anything else out of my address today, I want you to understand that the group is more important than the individual.


Our nation's motto is "E pluribus unum" which means "Out of many one."  And what's important to understand is that it's the one that is important not the individuals that make up the many.  Someday I or one of my like minded successors may call on you to make a sacrifice for the good of all.  Someday you might have to say good-bye to a loved one, your grandfather, your parents, or maybe even a brother or sister because the effort to save them would hurt the rest of the group.  Do not worry about ever making such a difficult decision.  That's what I'm here for.  Based on a life of experience and training for just these types of decisions you can rest assured that my decision is correct.  If you're ever called to make such a sacrifice don't feel bad.  Instead think of yourself as a hero, a different type of hero, a hero for this modern age.  A hero who doesn't think selfishly but instead thinks of the good of all.


Before I go I like to caution you against believing the arguments of the deceivers.  They say if my programs are so good then why don't I utilize them.  For example, why isn't the President enrolled in the new public option for healthcare?  A moment's thought will show you how ridiculous this argument is.  If I was willing to sacrifice myself, who would oversee this complex operation?  Who among you is capable of such a grave assignment?  Every day of my life is a sacrifice.  I work tirelessly on your behalf to ensure your well-being and happiness.  Without me, you would be nothing.  So naturally I must be saved.  The good of the group requires it.


Thank you again for allowing me to address you this evening.  And in conclusion I'd like to say…goddamn it, somebody pick up that Tele-Prompt-Ter.  I don't remember how it ends.  Aw hell, cut the feed.  Cut the feed!!!